We have an active music program at Middletown Reformed Church. There are two choirs which rehearse weekly from September to June. The choirs provide music for worship on Sundays and special worship during the year. The New Jericho Children's Choir is open to young people from pre- K and up. The Joyful Noise Adult Choir welcomes all adult singers and is under the direction of Thomas Martucci. From time to time, invited guest instrumentalists and singers enhance worship.
We also have an Adult Handbell Choir that rehearses on Sunday morning from September to June. No background in reading music is required. Our handbell choir is under the direction of Nancy Coffin.
The New Jericho Choir rehearses on Monday evenings at 5:30 PM in the Lower Auditorium
The Joyful Noise Adult Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM in the Lower Auditorium
The Handbell Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Lower Auditorium