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Dear Middletown Reformed Church Family and Friends,

Epiphany blessings to you, beloved of God

This is the last email in this year that I will greet you with “Epiphany blessings” as this Sunday marks a time of transition. We are moving from the season of Light — Epiphany — to the season of Lent. And yet, Lent is still a time for light, or rather, Life. As the writers of the SALT Project put it, During winter, much of the world goes to sleep. And in spring, a truly amazing thing happens, no less amazing because it happens every year: The world comes back to life! How do living things know it’s time to wake up? It turns out that one of the key signals is light: as the days get longer and longer, many creatures sense that spring is coming, and begin to rise again. That’s where the word ‘Lent’ comes from: an old English word for ‘lengthen,’ referring to the longer days.

I look forward to walking this Lenten journey with you in the longer days to come. I have purchased the SALT Project’s Coming Back to Life Lenten devotional for us to study and learn from together that I pray will “help bring us back to hope, back to love, back to life.”

One of the most important ways to prepare for Lent is just that: prepare. And we will do that on March 5 at 7 PM in the sanctuary during our Ash Wednesday worship. We will have Scripture readings, music, the Joyful Noise Adult Choir will sing, the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated, and I will impose the beautiful mark of ashes — From dust you came, to dust you shall return. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Please note that if you are unable to come in the evening, I will be offering ashes in the sanctuary that morning from 8 - 10 AM.

I look forward to being back in worship with you this Transfiguration Sunday as we mark the season change from Light to Life. Tom will lead us in our hymns and will sing the Anthem “Nothin’ Sweeter.” I am preaching from Luke 9.28-43 — the very mystical and mysterious Transfiguration of Jesus and the healing of a young boy — and my sermon, which is also a bit mystical, is called Look! Listen! It’s All Holy. In addition, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper and  come to Jesus’ table of grace and inclusion to be strengthened for the week. After worship, come to the Education Building for our First Sunday brunch prepared by our fabulous and faithful Kitchen Crew.  

One last note: Tomorrow is our Almost Mardi Gras Games Galore event, 3 - 5 PM in the Education Building. Come, bring a friend, a favorite beverage, and let’s have fun together playing games. We will provide snacks and sodas. Please let me know if you plan to attend.

Keep following Jesus. You are loved!

With gratitude for the privilege of being your pastor and the holy call of loving you,

Pastor Trish