Dear Middletown Reformed Church Family and Friends,

Pentecost blessings to you!

As you are well aware, Jesus spent a lot of time traveling the countryside, preaching and teaching the good news of the gospel. One of the aspects of ministry to which I am committed is to follow Jesus’ example. I believe, then, that the church should be a place for worship, preaching, and teaching. That means, in addition to preaching and leading Bible Study or other classes, I am always happy to welcome pastors-in-training to the pulpit for them to sharpen their skills as they discern their calling from God. Also,
during PRIDE month, I think it is important to lift up the voices of those in the LGBTQ+ community during worship. That said, this Sunday we have the joy of welcoming to MRC Terri Sadler, who is attending New Brunswick Theological Seminary and who is a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community. Here is a little bit about Terri: 

Terri Sadler is a resident of Aberdeen Township and a member of the Community Church of Keyport (CCK). She serves on the Consistory of CCK as a newly ordained Elder. She is a graduate of Georgian Court College and has a special education teaching degree. She has been a Kindergarten teacher for 23 years at a private school in Aberdeen. She has been with her wife for 22 years, and married for 10 years. The Holy Spirit has been whispering in her ear for several years to pursue ministry work. She finally answered the calling and started at New Brunswick Theological Seminary this past spring to become a Commissioned  Pastor, or perhaps more, as she is open to where this journey takes her.

Please join me in giving a hearty, arms-wide-open MRC welcome to Terri this Sunday at 10:30 AM as we worship a God who calls us by our name — Beloved. Tom will be leading us in our hymns, and the Joyful Noise Adult Choir will sing “I Thank You Lord.” Terri is  preaching from Luke 8.1-3 and John 20.11-18 and her sermon title is Who Do You Say That You Are? As it is the Second Sunday of the month, in addition to our regular offering, we will receive our Deacons’ Fund offering to help those in need in our church family and in the larger community.

I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday and to hearing the word Terri will bring us!

In gratitude for the privilege of being your pastor and the holy call of loving you,

Pastor Trish