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Dear Middletown Reformed Church Family and Friends,

Epiphany blessings to you, beloved of God.

Last Sunday for the Prayers of the People I asked the congregation what they were thankful to God for. Here are some of their answers —

Church family
Food to eat
Our pets
God’s grace and love for all people
Good therapists

I also asked them where they were seeking God’s help — 
Understanding one another
For people living in fear
For the Holy Spirit to move our leaders toward love
For the impossible

The answers I received in our prayer time made me wonder how you are looking after yourself. For I am keenly aware that we are being bombarded with all manner of news through the relentlessness of social media and it is wearying to both body, mind, and soul. So, as your pastor, I invite you to begin a spiritual practice in order to take good care of you. Each day, take some time to walk away from the news, put down that phone and stop scrolling, and look for one thing that is beautiful. Perhaps it will be the laughter of a child; the colors of a sunrise or sunset; the shimmering stars in a clear night sky; an encouraging Bible verse; the love between two people. Yesterday for me, it was two Northern flickers sitting on the water bowl outside. Look for something of beauty and allow yourself to be held in the love of God, and notice how this shifts your perspective for the days ahead. Because we are all going to need the grounding of the beautiful for the days ahead. 

I look forward to welcoming you to church this Fourth Sunday after Epiphany to worship our beautiful God who loves us beyond all reckoning. Tom will lead us in our hymns and the Joyful Noise Adult Choir will sing one of my favorite songs “Grace Alone." I am preaching from Luke 6.1-16 — Jesus breaks the rules on the Sabbath — and my sermon title is When Is the Right Time? In addition, we will come to God’s wide open table of grace and celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. After worship come to the Education Building for our First Sunday brunch prepared by our ever
faithful and fabulous Kitchen Crew. A free-will offering will be taken at the brunch to support the ministries of the church.

Look for the beautiful, beloved. And keep following Jesus. Keep following Jesus.


With gratitude for the privilege of being your pastor and the holy call of loving you,

Pastor Trish


Photo credit Melanie Wu