Dear Middletown Reformed Church Family and Friends,
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
This Sunday we will celebrate the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came as a roaring wind and with tongues of fire. It is a joyous event! Because, on that day, we were given an Advocate. We were given a Comforter. We were given grace. We were given hope. And we have been given spiritual gifts — the Apostle Paul names them as wisdom, faith, healing, miracles, prophesy, and tongues but there are many more — and we are called by God to use these gifts for the world.
So come this Sunday at 10:30 AM to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the Church Universal. Please wear red — it’s the Holy Spirit’s color — and be open to experiencing new and refreshing ways the Spirit is calling you to use your gifts. The Handbell Choir will ground us for worship ringing the Prelude “Fairest Lord Jesus.” The Joyful Noise Adult Choir will sing the Anthem “Total Praise.” I am preaching from Acts 2.1-4 and 1 Corinthians 12.1-13 and my sermon title is Send Down the Fire. After worship, you are invited to come downstairs to the Lower Auditorium for coffee and conversation with your church family.
In closing, I leave you with this blessing from Steve Garnaas-Holmes:
“The Advocate will come, whom I will send to you from Abba God, the spirit of truth.” —John 15.26
“Advocate.” In Greek, paraclete.
One who comes alongside to assist.
God is not your judge or prosecutor,
but your defense attorney,
advocating for you.
On your side.
Against all those voices of accusation,
both yours and the world's—
those untruths, that you're not good enough,
that you have somehow failed or fallen short.
God will never be against you, only for you.
The Advocate will stay by your side
and remind you of the truth:
“You are my beloved.”
“When the Spirit of truth comes, they will guide you into all the truth.” —John 16.13
In gratitude for the privilege of being your pastor and the holy call of loving you,
Pastor Trish