Dear Middletown Reformed Church Family and Friends,
Epiphany blessings of light + joy to you!
My goodness. Cold and bitter winds, snow and ice storms in the south, and absolutely devastating fires in Los Angeles. People are in need of a lot of God’s love. People are seeking God, seeking hope, seeking compassion, seeking safety, seeking to be heard and understood. Now more than ever we are called to be “little epiphanies.” We need to be guiding stars in a world that is rocking with uncertainty. We need to shine God’s hope, and shine it brilliantly to whomever God places in our path.
Come this Baptism of the Lord Sunday to be encouraged and strengthened for the journey of shining your light. I will be worshiping at the Community Church of Keyport and attending their annual meeting. As such, Elder Dan Pannebaker will be bringing the good news from the pulpit. Tom will lead us in our hymns and sing the Anthem “New Creation.” Dan is preaching from Luke 3.1-22 and his sermon title is Hear the Good News. As it is the second Sunday of the month, we will receive our Deacons’ offering to help those in need in our church and community.
Please note that even though I am in Keyport this Sunday, I am still leading the New Member class at 9 AM in the Education Building. For those who have been considering becoming a member of MRC, come with your questions and wonderings — I will be delighted to answer them for you.
Beloved, prepare yourself for the unexpected visitor or traveler to visit you who is in need of hope. Then, open that door and shine God’s light. And keep following Jesus. Keep following Jesus.
With gratitude for the privilege of being your pastor and the holy call of loving you,
Pastor Trish