Dear Middletown Reformed Church Family and Friends,

Epiphany blessings to you, beloved of God

Last week I encouraged you to find something of the beautiful in each day. Where did you see it this week? 

I saw it in grackles. There was a flock of them around the bird feeder, but two of them stood out from the rest. The blue and purple of their iridescence was glowing, almost otherworldly. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them, uncertain if what I was viewing was real. I whispered to myself, or rather, to them, “You’re so beautiful. Do you know it?”

I have been trying very hard to find the beautiful as a way to counteract my fear and concern in these uncertain and chaotic times for our country. Part of the vows I took when I was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament say this, Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for strength, I pledge my life to preach and teach the good news of salvation in Christ . . . to free the enslaved, to relieve the oppressed, to comfort the afflicted, and to walk humbly with God. And from the charge to the minister: Beloved servant in Christ, be attentive to yourself and to all the flock given to your care by the Holy Spirit. Love Christ: feed his lambs, tend his sheep. 

I take my vows very seriously and also the call to love and care for you, the flock given to me by the Holy Spirit. So, yes, right now I am concerned for:

 The people I love and have been called to care for in the LGBTQ+ community, especially our transgender siblings 

The people I love and have been called to care for who are our immigrant neighbors

The people I love and have been called to care for who are older and are worried about losing their social security and health care

The people I love and have been called to care for who are losing their jobs because of the erasure of diversity, equity, and inclusion

And the list goes on

Granted, I am scared and concerned, as I know many of you are as you’ve told me. BUT, trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for strength, I am also going to keep loving and supporting and advocating for the people I have been called to love and care for. Jesus was a revolutionary for unconditional love, grace, and welcome. 

And I follow Jesus.

I look forward to welcoming you to worship this Fifth Sunday after Epiphany. Our New Jericho Choir will bring the Message for all ages singing “Light of the World.” Tom will lead us in our hymns and sing the Anthem “Be Still and Know.” I am preaching from Luke 7.1-17 — Jesus heals the
centurion’s servant and raises a widow’s son — and my sermon title is ‘He Had Compassion . . .’ In addition, as it is the second Sunday of the month we will receive our Deacons’ offering to help those in need in our church and community.

Beloved, I humbly request you join with me as we keep trusting and following Jesus.


With gratitude for the privilege of being your pastor and the holy call of loving you,

Pastor Trish